Hello Friends,
I am writing here something on Widgets in android. Please make sure that you have basic knowledge of widget before going through this post. I have created this post to make you clear about widget concept and how to implement in android through easy steps. Hope you will like it.
App Widgets
Widgets are nothing but views.
Ex. Text View, Button, Check Box, etc.
Similarly App Widgets are small views of application. They
are put into other application. They run in another app i.e. widgets run in
another process. This other applications are known as App Widget Host. Ex, Home Screen.
Note: - You can create your own App Widget Host.
For creating App Widgets, You need 3 things.
XML LAYOUT Resource :- Initial Layout of App Widget. It is XML file. It uses remote views. Remote views are used to
define & update view hierarchy in another app process.
METADATA (AppWidgetProvider Info) :- Metadata of widget.
Ex, what is Widget’s layout? , What is update frequency of
widget, Which is App Widget Provider Class (widget’s broadcast receiver).
Metadata is defined in XML.
BROADCAST RECEIVER (AppWidgetProvider Class) :- It is class that has basic method that allows
you to programmatically interface with app widget i.e. to interact with widgets
(remote views).
This Provider class basically broadcast receiver which
receives broadcasts when app widget is updated, enabled, disabled, deleted.
This broadcast receiver content intent filters to listen for broadcast intents
requesting for widget updates.
App Widget Size Guide Lines:-
Please refer this link for
Each widget much defines minWidth
& minHeight in metadata. (Minimum height & width for widget)
Home screen offers users grid of
available space.
For n cells available size is 70 *
HOW TO MODIFY WIDGETS(VIEWS):- To modify views that form app widget create remote view , modify remote
view , apply remote view using AppWidgetManager.
Which type of changes ex,
changing view’s visibility, changing text, changing image of imageview.
Steps for modifying Remote
1) Create
views= new RemoteViews(context.getpackage(), R.id.widget_layout);
parameter: package of widget
parameter : layout file of widget.
2) Modify
3) Applying
RemoteView changes:
to apply
changes to widget , we must know its ID. But there may be widget of same type running on home screen.
parameter: integer array of all appwidgetds
parameter: remoteview that we created.
are two places where we can update views
Updating in OnUpdate handler (quite easy)
Step 1: get list of all ids(one of the
handlers parameter)
Step 2: iterate through each id.
Step 3: update views for each id using
appwidgetmanager(one of the parameter of onupdate handler)
Outside onUpdate i.e in
service,activity,broadcast receiver
Step1: get AppWidgetManager Instance
AppWidgetManager apM= AppWidgetManager.getInstance(pass
current context)
Step 2: get all ids
Componentname thisWidget = new ComponentName(current_context,MyAppwidgetProvider
Step 3: Updateviews using AppWidgetManager (apM).
AppWidget inherits all permission of parent process i.e.(Home
Screen) so for security reason interaction with AppWidgets are following
1)Adding click listener to one or more views
UI Based on selection
transitioning between views within a collection view widget.
Note: there is no
technique to directly enter Text. If you need to input text , then add click listener
that will display activity and enter in that activity.
How to open activity:
onclick view listener,open activity but your view don’t have permission to open
activity so pending Intent is the mechanism.
For changing images on
selection use selectors.
Refreshing widgets : your
widget should be up to date, as it appears on home screen,
1) using minimum update rates(update
rate is mentioned in metadata file)
2) using event driven model
In provider(broadcast
receiver) register intent filter for all the events(broad casts) when u want
to update your widget.
Maulik Dhameliya
dhameliya blog
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